The Greene County Youth Athletic Association (GCYAA) board reminds parents that registrations for youth baseball and softball will close March 8. Online registration is available at Parents can create a profile and enter information only once; information will be saved for future registrations.
Registration fees are $40 per play with a $10 discount for each additional ball player in a family. Age ranges are: T-ball, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten; minor league, grades 1-2; American League, grades 3-4; and Major League, grades 5-6.

A late fee is applied to registrations after Feb. 28. Some scholarship funds are available for families with financial need thanks to the Rotary Club of Jefferson. More information about scholarships is on the GCYAA website.
There will be a hard cut off for registrations after March 8 to allow time to pick teams. The first day of practice will be April 1, with opening ceremonies and games starting in May.
Parents who want more information can visit or email